A single word that can prevent you from living the life of your dreams.
Most intelligent humans know that building anything significant is a process.
But we want all the “stars to align” before taking action.
You say you want to get fit, but you know it takes hard work and discipline.
You also know several things need to happen as part of the process.
So you procrastinate, and it eats at you.
Maybe it’s been months or even years, but we are talking about perfection here.
You say you want to start a business or a side hustle, but you know it takes hard work and discipline.
You also know several things need to happen as part of the process.
So you procrastinate, and it eats at you.
Maybe it’s been months or years, but here we are talking about perfection again.
You say you want a better marriage or stronger relationships, but you know it takes hard work and discipline.
You also know several things need to happen as part of the process.
So you procrastinate, and it eats at you.
Maybe it’s been months or even years, but here we are talking about perfection AGAIN.
There’s a common theme here and your “desire for perfection” has you frozen.
You certainly know; if not, it’s readily available for you to soak up.
Friend, I’ve gone through each of these scenarios and continue focusing on constant growth.
I’m no better than you or the next guy, but I decided to live MY life.
I went from fat to fit.
I went from corporate employee to business owner with employees.
I went from being buzzed and drowning out reality to continue working on being a better husband and a better father.
But none of it went perfectly.
It all takes constant effort and discipline to keep showing up and improving.
Tiny little wins, stacked up one by one.
All because I decided to embrace the process and accept my imperfections.
And YOU can do the same, so I’ll leave you with this.
It was Friday morning when I posted this.
Tomorrow is Saturday, and it’s an opportunity to improve and stack wins.
But MOST of you who read this will “put it off until next week” because the week is over, and it can’t be perfect.
Don’t be like most people.
Get better!