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Writer's pictureKirk Carlson

Do you know that feeling after you’ve been to an all-you-can-eat buffet?

Hey Warrior,

Do you know that feeling after you’ve been to an all-you-can-eat buffet?

We’ve all been there lololol.

Is it somewhere between aarrrrggggghhhh and Whhhhyyyyy?

Guess what?

That happens on many levels and ramps up to an insane degree surrounding holidays.

Media (social, tv, movies)

Food (garbage, garbage, garbage)

Relationships (drama, drama, drama)

I feel worst after going to the theatre and splurging on candy, popcorn, and soda.

It’s like a total inundation of the senses and then darkness.

The blackness rolls in.

The crash.

And the crash could be in any area of life: physical, mental, relational, etc.

But it’s ALWAYS AFTER A HIGH DEGREE OF CONSUMPTION: food, drama, products, and media.

Instead, have a Complimentary Coaching Session and a Huge Savings to begin a Transformation of a Lifetime (if you join BEFORE Black Friday).

And turn this year into a bright transcendence of new health, strength, and life for your coming years!

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