Warrior, I have something I want to share that I think can help you.
After owning and operating my Fitness Bootcamp over the past years, I’ve learned that the more emotionally bonded my members are with my Bootcamp and coaches, the longer they stay.
Warrior, I think this is true for a lot of things in life.
So how do we create that emotional bond?
There are a lot of ways.
Warrior, But one of the first things we did was give a name to the community.
So they knew WHO they were representing.
Something that connected with OUR people.
Something they would be proud to join and sad to no longer be a part of.
It’s simple, but it works.
Then make sure you use it a lot.
When talking to your members as a group, refer to them by their tribe name.
When introducing your Bootcamp to someone new, slip in the tribe name.
Make it like an exclusive club.
But make it real.
My Bootcamp members at Body By Design are called “The Warrior Squad.”
My gym owner members are called “The Champions.”
We give out t-shirts upon enrollment.
They’re not for sale. They’re earned.
Warrior, If you put a little thought and creativity into this, you can complete it in a couple of hours, which can go a long way.
Pro Tips:
When naming your tribe, it’s important that the individuals can complete this sentence: “I am a ______________!”
So they identify with it. Example: “I am a Champion owner!”
And they know it’s true because of the curriculum they must complete and test out. It’s not easy.
Do the same thing for your Bootcamp. I promise it will extend your average membership length and profit.
Committed To Your Success,
Coach Kirk