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Interestingly, the word luck is defined as:

Interestingly, the word luck is defined as:

What happens to a person that's beyond their control.

This means, tragically, you cannot create your own luck.

But you don't need it.

Even with the looming talk about recession, inflation, and interest rates

You do not need the luck to create a successful online fitness business and keep it alive

You need probability.

Probability is the likeliness that something IS going to happen.

Probability allows you to make calculated moves toward predictable success.

Here's a real-life example:

If you have kids, you probably took them trick or treating on Monday.

And you took them somewhere you knew houses would be handing out candy, right?

Then, you only had them go up to houses with their lights on. That meant they had candy.

You used probability to create a happy experience for your kids, so they were most likely to receive candy when they rang that doorbell.

Now, don't you and your online business deserve the same experience?

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