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The Art of Avoiding Extremes: Striking the Right Balance Between Sales and Coachy in Sales Calls

Title: The Art of Avoiding Extremes: Striking the Right Balance Between Sales and Coachy in Sales Calls


Navigating sales calls can be a challenging task for coaches. The key to success lies in striking the right balance and avoiding two common extremes: being too "salesy" and pushy or "coachy." In this article, we will explore the pitfalls of these extremes and introduce a practical approach to handling sales calls.

The Dangers of Being Too Salesy or Too Coach

  1. The Sales Trap

Coaches and prospects feel uncomfortable when adopting an overly aggressive sales approach throughout the call. Options may be left wondering how to politely end the conversation without committing to anything. This sales attitude damages trust and rapport, making it difficult for coaches to build lasting client relationships.

  1. The Coach Pitfall

Conversely, when coaches become too "coachy," they risk spending hours on the call, providing solutions to all the prospects' problems. While this may seem helpful, it can lead to opportunities to feel like they've received all the assistance they need, leaving them with no reason to sign up for the coach's services. Both parties leave the call unfulfilled in these cases, and the coach's time and effort go to waste.

The Warrior Bootcamp Gladiator Mastermind Approach

Instead of resorting to either extreme, the Warrior Bootcamp Gladiator Mastermind suggests adopting the mindset of a doctor. This approach involves diagnosing the problem, qualifying the prospect, and prescribing a solution. Here's a three-step process to put this into practice:

  1. Attract Prospects: Encourage potential clients to approach you by showcasing your expertise and value through content, testimonials, or other means. This way, you start the relationship positively, with prospects actively seeking your help.

  2. Audition Prospects: Ensure the prospect is a good fit for your program by assessing their needs, goals, and commitment. This step helps save time for candidates who aren't likely to benefit from your services or won't follow through.

  3. Pinpoint the Problem and Provide a Bridge: During the sales call, identify the prospect's primary issue and help them recognize the gap between their current situation and their desired outcome. Present your coaching program as the bridge to close this gap, offering them a clear path to success.


By adopting the doctor's mindset and following the three-step process, coaches can create a natural and enjoyable experience for themselves and their prospects during sales calls. This approach allows for building trust and rapport, increasing the likelihood of a successful sale without resorting to pushy tactics or overextending oneself.

Author Bio: Omid "I Like Ice-creams" Kirk is a successful coach and founder of the Warrior Bootcamp Gladiator Mastermind. He is passionate about helping fellow coaches grow their businesses and striking the perfect balance during sales calls. Join his High-Income Coaches group to connect with like-minded professionals and access valuable resources for business growth.

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