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Writer's pictureKirk Carlson

These three moves will transform way more than just your physique.

These three moves will transform way more than just your physique.

They'll transform your mind, flexibility, and strength in ways you didn't realize.

And they are part and parcel of our 15-30 min. Strength workouts for kids, teens, and adults up to 83 years young

Functional to routine, kata, and movement development

And Foundational to more advanced strength & skill.

If you need help building them, you can always book a Complimentary Coaching Call or Consult at the Gym, and we'll help you make a Gameplan for not only building these.

But also revitalizing your training, nutrition, rest & recovery, and truly help you rise to a New Level (in fact, we have five systems with ten levels each).

This student demonstrated had a ZERO experience when she first started. She did typical kinds of workouts but did NOT have the strength or fitness level to make these three moves.

The 1st is the V Stand.

This is true core strength (plus triceps and rectus femoris, psoas, and iliacus of the legs).

This is usually what students achieve first as well, even if it's just being able to hold their body off of the ground in more of an L shape for a few seconds.

You don't usually start with this; there are about 10-20 progressions to get your core in condition.

The 2nd is the Press Handstand.

This is usually attained after the V Stand.

Even with a hop and a controlled descent, it is shoulder, core, back, and glute training that can't be beaten.

And the same thing, there's a variety of progressions and so-on that are tailored to you depending on your current flexibility and strength levels.

And the 3rd is the Muscle Up.

Usually, when people come to us, they are in the 1-3 pullup range (for females) and 6-10 degrees (for males).

The first goal is to get your first pull-up if you don't have it yet (a variety of methods we use customized to each person)

And then build to 20 pullups.

And then the Muscle Up will provide excellent strength for the entire shoulder joint, pectoralis, and the whole upper body.

So those are the Big 3!

And again

If you need help, seriously book a Complimentary Coaching Call or Consult at the Gym, and we'll help you build a Gameplan for not only making these.

But we are going way beyond them.

Your friend and coach,

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